

- All Picabo projects are physically placed and hosted on Picabo's servers.

- All servers are fully owned by, a.s.

- All servers are managed by Picabo's employees only, no third-party involvement.

- Only certified and dedicated Picabo employees can either physically or remotely access the servers.

- All Picabo servers are physically placed at MASTER DATACENTER ( situated in Prague, Czech Republic.

- All servers are connected to all main world data lines to be able to server data to customers all over the world.



- Holds all neccessary data protection certifications:

- Access to servers is covered by Rules and Regulations of the Data Centers (

  / rules-of-operation-prague.pdf /

- Only authorized persons are accepted by the CD MASTER staff to physically access the machines

- Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Telecommunications Services (

- Company Policy (

- ISO Certificate 27001 in English / iso-certificate-27001-en.pdf /

- ISO Certificate 9001 in English / iso-certificate-9001-en.pdf /

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