Many of us, maybe most, are addicted to coffee. One of our lesser sins? We need our coffee, and most of us use a coffee machine to make it just the way we love it. This machine is in principle a water boiler which generates steam, which then is condensated to drip perfectly tempered water thru the coffee, or pressed thru a capsule of coffee. However, over time Calcium and other minerals naturally present in our tap water will start to crystalize on the inside surfaces of the tubes in the machine. In theory we are slowly producing a bomb, in parallel to deteriorating the function of the machine. When water goes from liquid to gas it expands approx. 4,000 times if not contained. If contained, a pressure builds up, and this is a good thing and the principle the machine is built on. Until the pipes in which the steam is flowing clogs up of course, then… Well, this have an easy fix. Clean out the machine every now and then with a solution containing mild acids. Available including clear instructions in every decent grocery store, or from the machine manufacturer. But do it regularly, both your machine and your coffee will benefit! To paraphrase The Pink Panther: (With heavy French accent) “-What type of a coffee machine is this?” ; “-The explaeuding type!”